Preventing unnecessary plastic waste in Ireland.

Here at Refill we’re calling on the nation!

We’re asking individuals, businesses, schools, clubs, communities, councils and government to join us and pledge to #BootTheBottle and prevent unnecessary single-use plastic waste in Ireland.

What can you do?

What else?

Download the Tap Map

Download our app and find locations to refill for FREE, when you’re out and about.

Or maybe you’re an event organiser, business owner, sports club or community representative looking for solutions and want to partner with us?

Waste Free Events

Got an event your organising but dreading the amount of plastic water bottles you’re gonna need to order. We’ve got you covered with some alternative options allowing you to actually go Zero Waste on the day.


Being a sustainable and eco concious business is fast becoming a must in our ever changing world. We’ve got a number of ways that you can stay relevant to your customer whilst doing good for the environment.

Schools & Clubs

Schools & clubs are key advocates in the mission to combat single use plastic. There are so many ways you can get involved and we have a few things to help you guys such as installing water stations or supporting you at your school events.


Big changes start with tiny choices and getting your community involved is one of the best ways to make effective change. We’ve helped Tidy Towns, Eco-Groups & others as they celebrate local festivals & fairs, and grow a refill network nationally with scalable solutions. We need your support. One person’s action is special, collective community action empowers a Refill nation.

Find your forever bottle

Your action quite literally counts & using a reusable water bottle daily is one of the biggest individual changes you can make. Switch to our high quality and durable bottles, made from sustainable materials where possible.

Get Involved

Things you can do

Resources to help

Campaigns & Advocacy

At Refill we do more than just get people to use a reusable water bottle. We have a whole list of projects we’re working on to create a bigger impact on single use plastic.

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