We actively seek funding opportunities and donations in Ireland to support the growth of Community Hydration Hubs for locations that are eager to provide their community network with an impactful and free green solution.
The water dispenser type is bespoke to your location. It can be an in-wall, a free standing or a counter-top unit. They all do the same job, but are bespoke to your space. All you need is a power connection and water mains line in proximity. The dispenser must be in a location that the public can freely access so that our philosophy of free-to-use drinking water for all remains. No purchase necessary.
The dispenser is free of charge and includes both fitting and signage and will belong to the awarded business once installed who must adhere to maintaining the machine.
Meet Simon, Manager, The Quay Co-op, Cork.
Simon put the grocery business forward to be Cork’s first Refill.ie free to use Hydration Hub. His enthusiasm, location and drive to lead free plastic-free hydration solutions on the go in the city was inspiring. Simon knows his community and values them.
The Quay Coop was awarded the Refill Hub in a Cork competition that gained many business entries competing for the opportunity. The Lord Mayor of Cork officially opened the hub in 2022 to the public & it didn’t go without notice that c.5,000 refills were recorded on the metric counter display at the time of the grand opening 1 month after installation.
The demand was there & Simon knew it. He saw the big picture & we think he said it best …
“It makes sense & it brought people into the shop too, it was a win, win.!”
What you’ll need

Plumbed water

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