What we do

Refill is preventing unnecessary plastic waste in Ireland through a community led movement.

At Refill we offer a wide range of options for individuals, event organisers and business owners, to help reduce the impact of single use plastic and adopt #bootthebottle as part of your personal & professional philosophy.

Waste Free Events

Got an event your organising but dreading the amount of plastic water bottles you’re gonna need to order. We’ve got you covered with some alternative options.


Being a sustainable and eco concious business is fast becoming a must in our ever changing world. We’ve got a number of ways that you can stay relevant to your customer whilst doing good for the environment.

Join the Tap Map

Do you wish to provide free drinking water to the local community. People can drop into a hub and refill their water bottle free of charge and we add you to the Tap Map.

Schools & Clubs

Schools & clubs are key advocates in the mission to combat single use plastic. There are so many ways you can get involved and we have a few things to help.


Big changes start with tiny choices and getting your community involved is one of the best ways to make effective change.

Campaigns & Advocacy

At Refill we do more than just get people to use a reusable water bottle. We have a whole list of projects we’re working on to create a bigger impact on single use plastic.

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